The Book of Awesome!
Neil Pasricha started a website called 100 Awesome Things. He described himself as a 'boring guy' with a 'nine-to-five job', for him this website became a getaway from his everyday. When he started the site it was small. His mom forwarded it to his dad and the traffic on the site doubled. All of a sudden friends and strangers started sending him suggestions of "awesome" things. Neil says that we're all "basically the same" in that "with so much sad news in the world, it's fun to stop for a minute and share a universal high five with the rest of humanity".
When I came across the section of the book on 'old, dangerous playground equipment' I immediately thought of my students. The students of First Avenue P.S. LOVE their wooden playground structure! Recently, the hole in the slide has become larger and some of the posts have begun to break away from the structure making is unsafe. The kids are so upset at the thought of the climber being torn down. When I read this section from the book to my students they totally agreed! The structure may not stay up, but they will always have the memories.
Read on (click on the image for a larger view). Enjoy!